

Monday, March 31, 2014


Auto WB agak panas dan tidak menggambarkan suhu musim bunga yg sebenar, jadi saya gunakan Direct Sunlight WB.
Shoot secara RAW adalah selera saya. Lebih 95% daripada gambar-gambar yang diambil juga adalah melalui manual mode. Kenapa manual? Sebab saya boleh control lighting mengikut citarasa saya. Kenapa RAW? Sebab nak preserve detail dalam gambar, terutamanya untuk large printing.

No brainer, +EV adalah kunci untuk snow and winter shots. 
Agak sedikit terlambat disini kerana subjek sudah ke kanan sedikit. Manual control mencabar kepantasan untuk berfikir dan bertindak. 
Nailed it. Leica like colour. :)
Sebenarnya gambar ni sedikit gelap. Samada aperture f/5.6 sudah memadai, atau naikkan ISO ke 3200. I'll go for f/5.6, not because iso 3200 is unusable, but it's the lens' sharpest aperture.
ermm.. bukti shoot manual? :P
yang ni, bukan secara manual. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

What's the story, morning glory?

One of those weeks when you don’t have time to slow down and enjoy life. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring in Northern Hemisphere

Spring is early this year, but here in UK it is still in the early phase.  Elsewhere in Europe, i believe the flowers are blooming. Here are some outtakes from my short visit to nearby garden. I'll put more photos after the Easter break (kalau ada masa nak update).

All of the images were SOOC. No post processing involved except the addition of watermark. The picture control was set to landscape, and voila! (p.s: Don't you envy this brilliant lighting on this part of the world? ;)

Nikon D700: White flowers against the blue sky.
Nikon D700: Almond blossoms 
Nikon D700: Almond blossoms
Nikon D700: White magnolias
Nikon D700: Plum magnolias 
Nikon D700: Plum magnolias
iPhone5: Relative comparison, so you'll get an idea how big the flower was.
Nikon D700: Majority of daffodils here are a few days old. 
Nikon D700: The temperature was a bit cold yesterday, 6ºC and windy.
iPhone5: And lastly, daisy. 

- FH -

Monday, March 17, 2014

"Alright, Good Night"

Today is the tenth day of the missing MH370, a MAS airplane Kuala Lumpur en-route to Beijing

After ten freaking days, Malaysians and people around the globe are still puzzled on how the plane gone missing. The tension from the media, the rescuers and even the Menteri are shown on their faces and reports. As a person, we in geekydruggist are also affected indirectly. We keep browsing and refreshing the twitter's timeline and hoping for new information. Not just a news, but the good one.

Our hopes and prayers go to the family members of the crew and passengers of MH370. May God ease this heavy journey, amin.

To the rescuers of 26 countries (as today), our prayers and wishes accompany you, whenever you are where ever you are. Because...


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